

App Development

Product Design

Solving Usability Issues that shaped users’ impressions

Solving Usability Issues that shaped users’ impressions


Only Cellar is a wine marketplace and wine investment platform based in Singapore. We aim to make buying wine and wine investment as seamless as possible and as effortless as possible to everyone. We take pride in sourcing the finest wines with guaranteed provenance from renowned producers across the globe, ensuring that you receive the pinnacle of quality and authenticity.

OnlyCellar MVP has been launched for about 3 months. Currently, we have around 105 registered users and 32 transactions but our target is 48 monthly transactions with $77,963 monthly GMV. Therefore, we conducted a post-launch feedback gathering to find any problems or blockers that users encounter when exploring or transacting in OnlyCellar.

Based on research, it appears that user perception doesn't align with our product direction. Users tend to assume our platform is solely for investment purposes, whereas we are primarily a marketplace targeting wine consumers. There's no requirement to invest in wine. We've also received a lot of feedback regarding usability issues. Consequently, we've decided to evaluate the entire user journey, from start to finish, by conducting a heuristic evaluation and usabillity testing.

My Role

My Role

  • Directed involvement to the project.

  • Defining approach to design

  • Conduct several collaboration in-depth discussions, alignment with stakeholders, as well as the exploration, lo-fi design, & review hi-fi design.

  • Interface design

  • Clarify Brand Perception: Shift user perception from viewing OnlyCellar as an investment-only platform to understanding it primarily as a wine marketplace, targeting casual wine consumers.

  • Increase Organic Transactions: Improve the user experience to convert a higher percentage of registered users into active buyers, increasing organic transactions from 8% to 25% within the next 6 months.

  • Enhance Usability: Address usability issues across the platform by conducting heuristic evaluations and usability tests, aiming to reduce friction in the user journey and improve overall satisfaction.


A significant challenge was low engagement after launch, with only 8% of registered users making organic transactions. We needed to identify blockers in the user experience and align the product with user expectations to improve conversion rates and overall satisfaction.



  • Post-launch feedback and usability testing

    Gathered insights from real users to identify pain points and usability issues in the current product experience.

  • Heuristic evaluation

    Conducted an in-depth heuristic evaluation to spot design flaws and areas for improvement in the user journey.

  • Design improvements

    Applied insights from research and evaluations to redesign key aspects of the platform, enhancing usability and user engagement.

What We Did

What We Did

Post-Launch Feedback, Usability Testing and Heuristic Evaluation

Post-Launch Feedback, Usability Testing and Heuristic Evaluation

Screenshot from Miro

Through post-launch feedback sessions, usability testing, and heuristic evaluation (which uncovered 55 usability issues, with a focus on the most critical ones affecting user perception and decision-making), we pinpointed several major challenges that were hampering user engagement and the overall perception of the platform.

  1. Unclear Product Purpose (Expectation Mismatch)

old design

Users were unsure if OnlyCellar was primarily for wine purchasing or investment. This confusion led to user churn as many wine enthusiasts misunderstood the platform’s focus, viewing it as investment-focused.

  1. Wine Discovery Challenges

old design

Users struggled to find wines due to did not aware of the filter icon, they got distracted with the GST. The homepage lacked clear navigation, making wine exploration difficult without more robust discovery tools.

Also users felt that the platform didn’t offer enough personalized wine recommendations, making it difficult to find tailored suggestions based on their preferences.

  1. Trustworthiness Concerns

Concerns about trustworthiness emerged, with users fearing scams or counterfeit wines, largely due to their unfamiliarity with the OnlyCellar brand.

Overall, we identified a significant misalignment between user expectations and the platform's purpose, insufficient information guiding purchasing decisions, and a lack of trust-building elements throughout the platform.

Solution Overview

Using insights from feedback, usability testing, and evaluations, we redesigned key parts of the platform. Our focus was on enhancing the user experience by improving navigation, increasing transparency, and providing better wine discovery options.

Unclear Product Purpose (Expectation Mismatch)

Unclear Product Purpose (Expectation Mismatch)

Only Scroll available to see the full homepage

Redesigned the homepage to better communicate OnlyCellar's dual role as both a wine marketplace and an investment platform, while minimizing the emphasis on the term "Investment."

Redesigned the homepage to better communicate OnlyCellar's dual role as both a wine marketplace and an investment platform, while minimizing the emphasis on the term "Investment."

Wine Discovery Challenges and Insufficient Recommendations

Wine Discovery Challenges and Insufficient Recommendations

Introduced a persistent filter system and refined navigation to help users explore and select wines more efficiently from our 90-page collection. To solve the issue of insufficient recommendations, I conducted user behavior research and identified three distinct types of users:

Foggy Intent: Users who are open to recommendations and want to explore what's available.

Medium Intent: Users who have a general idea (e.g., sparkling wine with fruity notes) but need guidance in selecting a brand.

Clear Intent: Users who know exactly what they want and need a quick way to find it (e.g., searching for Dom Perignon, Rosé).

By designing flows tailored to these intent levels, we improved product discoverability and personalized the wine selection experience.

Foggy Intent Solutions

Introduced a persistent filter system and refined navigation to help users explore and select wines more efficiently from our 90-page collection. To solve the issue of insufficient recommendations, I conducted user behavior research and identified three distinct types of users:

Foggy Intent: Users who are open to recommendations and want to explore what's available.

Medium Intent: Users who have a general idea (e.g., sparkling wine with fruity notes) but need guidance in selecting a brand.

Clear Intent: Users who know exactly what they want and need a quick way to find it (e.g., searching for Dom Perignon, Rosé).

By designing flows tailored to these intent levels, we improved product discoverability and personalized the wine selection experience.

old design

For the initial phase, we implemented weekly picks and top collections curated manually by our admin through the dashboard.

In the second phase, we plan to enhance personalization using Content-Based Filtering, which recommends wines based on user behavior. For instance, if a user searches for wine A with flavor B, the system will suggest similar wines.

For the initial phase, we implemented weekly picks and top collections curated manually by our admin through the dashboard.

In the second phase, we plan to enhance personalization using Content-Based Filtering, which recommends wines based on user behavior. For instance, if a user searches for wine A with flavor B, the system will suggest similar wines.

Medium Intent Solution

In the first phase, we used a dynamic Typeform survey that we call Wine Concierge (POC) to gather user preferences and provide personalized recommendations. This also allows users to request specific wines without needing a complex feature. After collaborating with the PM, I categorized the survey questions into three groups to best guide users to their ideal wine.

Questions for personalization

After users complete the Typeform survey, our customer service team contacts them via WhatsApp to provide personalized wine recommendations based on their preferences. Along with the recommendations, we include direct links to purchase the suggested wines on OnlyCellar, streamlining the process for users.

Wine Concierge (POC) in app flow

For the second phase (currently in development), we’re enhancing our filtering system to allow users to filter wines based on preferences collected through the Typeform data.

For the second phase (currently in development), we’re enhancing our filtering system to allow users to filter wines based on preferences collected through the Typeform data.

Clear Intent Solution

Search flow

For users with clear intent, we’ve provided a search bar, enabling quick access to specific wines.

For users with clear intent, we’ve provided a search bar, enabling quick access to specific wines.

Trustworthiness Concerns

Information that we are registered legally in Singapore

Addressing trust concerns, we introduced a step-by-step guide to better explain how the platform works, while showcasing our unique selling points. Additionally, we highlighted our official Singapore certification and UEN (202225532G), assuring users of our legal recognition and the added security it provides.



After all the hard work and endless iterations, here's what we accomplished:

  • Successfully generated S$221,000 GMV within the first 2 months after improvements.

  • Launched and conducted a Proof of Concept (POC) for the wine concierge service, achieving a minimum of 4 requests per month, with an average of 11 bottles per order.

  • Increased conversion rate (CVR) from the homepage to the product feed by 14%.

  • Improved CVR from the product feed to the Product Detail Page (PDP) by 74% through the redesign of the filter feature.